Drinking water trend - Hydrogen-rich alkaline water to the throne 

Drinking water is not just for refreshment but also good health. This is also the top concern right now. Hydrogen-rich alkaline ionized water leads to the trend of healthy water, the kind of drink that consumers are 'hunting' for.

Hydrogen-rich alkaline water to the throne

Previously, consumers were familiar with drinking water that was boiled and cooled with tap water, then drinking water rich in mineral calcium, alkaline ionized water. And now, hydrogen-rich alkaline ionized water is at the top of the list of healthy drinks. 

1. Hydrogen-rich alkaline water neutralizes excess acid in the body

Inherently the natural environment inside our bodies is alkaline, with a pH of about 7.34. If excess acid accumulates in the body, it will cause diseases such as the stomach, gout, diabetes, high blood pressure...

Hydrogen-rich alkaline ionized water pH 8.5 to 9.5 is highly alkaline, easily neutralizing excess acids. When the body is in pH equilibrium, it also means repelling the risk of diseases caused by excess acid.


Consumers "choose" more to choose healthy drinking water

2. Tyent water hydrogen rich ionizers help eliminate free radicals

Free radicals are present in almost every place and even within the body. Every day, we may be faced with thousands of free radicals attacking, disrupting the normal functioning of cells. Water ionizers contains high levels of soluble hydrogen molecules, quickly eliminating free radicals, thereby preventing diseases such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, cancer...

3. As a strong antioxidant

Studies by the Shirahata Professor Group (Kyushu University - Japan) have shown that hydrogen acts as an antioxidant in the body, fighting free radicals. The role of hydrogen for health has been studied for many years and until now, scientists have confirmed that “Hydrogen is the most powerful antioxidant and has direct benefits to the human body. all other antioxidants”.

Drinking water daily will help the body fight oxidation, protect cells in the body from free radicals, prevent carcinogens.

4. Rapid osmosis thanks to its small molecular structure

Water molecules are only one fifth the size of normal water molecules, absorbing quickly into each cell of the body. Thanks to this fast permeability, it helps transport the nutrients in the body and flush out toxins out.

5. Rich in natural minerals

Apart from the above properties, Tyent water ionizers is also rich in natural minerals like calcium, magnesium... good for the body. The Aragonite calcium structure in hydrogen-rich alkaline ionized water makes it easier for the body to replenish and absorb calcium 8 times more than regular water.

Hydrogen-rich Alkaline Water Ionizers are leading the current trend of healthy water. This is also the secret of a healthy life, longevity of the people of Japan.

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