Compare the alkaline and acidic environments and find out why the former was better for the body in this article.
Alkaline vs Acid | Find out what makes them different and why alkaline is better
Compare the alkaline and acidic environments and find out why the former was better for the body in this article.
Alkaline vs Acid | Find out what makes them different and why alkaline is better
Drinking alkaline ionised water Australia is an important key to preventing and reducing mild dehydration leading to fatigue.
Types of water are important though. Drinking Alkaline Water Ionizers to boost your metabolism is a great idea.
Alkaline water filter Australia is filtered to hydrate without worry. Like all hydrogen molecules, it also contains natural antioxidants and minerals, to support good health while losing weight.
So why is this a good thing? First, let's look at how we live. Our modern diet tends to be acidic. Drinking alkaline water helps to rebalance our pH and maintains an optimal alkaline pH of 6.9 - 7.2.
Both fresh and processed meat are acidic, so a strict paleo diet means quite rich in acid. When you're following a Paleo-based diet, drinking alkaline water ionizers from a water ionizer can help rebalance your body, neutralize some of those acids, and maintain a healthy pH.